Challenges in generating comprehensive substance ID for UVCB substances
Time & Location
Thursday: 12.00 to 12.20, Stage 5
About this presentation
Generating accurate and quantitative substance ID for REACH registrations can be a challenge, even for relatively simple substances. The numerous, varied components of a UVCB, however, can certainly multiply these challenges.
Whilst a range of separation techniques are available to registrants, all have their limitations, whether that’s down to the volatility or size of the components they can analyse, or the detectors that are compatible with the separation method. The more components that exist in a product, the more difficult it can be to identify each component unambiguously.
Due to the variability aspect of UVCBs, a set of analytical data for one batch of a substance may look very different from another batch, making the development of a suitable method even more challenging. UVCB substances may require testing using techniques beyond those suggested by the REACH legislation and guidance documents, to characterise the substance fully. The choice of suitable laboratories can be limited due to their capabilities, capacity, or experience in using the required techniques.
This presentation will discuss these challenges, and their possible solutions, with examples and case studies for illustration.
Joint Presentation:
Alan Ritchie – Technical Director – WSP
Georgia Fitzmaurice – Principal Consultant – WSP