
Low Cost Formulating: Saving Your Wallet and the Planet.

Time & Location

Wednesday: 13.15 to 13.30, Stage 5

Joint Speakers

Harrison GelliniTechnical Development Manager - Surfachem,

About this presentation

Surfachem’s presentation promises to be a comprehensive insight into innovative strategies for creating cost-effective formulations. Surfachem will introduce techniques and approaches that enable you to streamline your formulations without compromising on quality. Our technical experts will showcase the importance of eco-friendly practices, to guide you towards formulations that are not only economically viable but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible future.

Speaker Bio:

Harrison Gellini is Technical Development Manager at Surfachem, looking after the HI&I industry sector. After 5 years in manufacturing and product development, he is now using his experience and knowledge of the world of HI&I and personal care to help product manufacturers find solutions that work for them. He possesses an academic background in chemistry and extensive practical experience of product formulation, manufacturing, quality assurance and after-sales support.​