“Connecting the dots - The UK innovation ecosystem”

Time & Location

Wednesday: 12.00 to 13.00, Stage 5


Mark SimmersCEO, Celtic Renewables

About this Session

Join our panel of experts who will highlight their respective roles within the innovation journey from university spin-out/in to scale up and manufacturing scale. We will discuss how ideas can be taken through the innovation journey, how to access funding culture. We will also cover the need for a supportive policy environment and strategy for UK innovation in our sector. Please come and join the conversation with our panel and explore how to connect the dots in this seemingly complex ecosystem.

Panel Host: Dr Alan Wiles, Director of Operations – ScotCHEM, The Alliance for the Chemical Sciences in Scotland

Confirmed Panellists include:

  • Mark Simmers – CEO at Celtic Renewables
  • Caroline Kelly – Head of Technology Strategy (Formulation) at  CPI

Further panellists to be announced shortly