Optimising shelf-life and stability in dispersions
Time & Location
Wednesday: 13.30 to 13.45, Stage 5
Mike GouldMicrotrac MRB - Particle Characterization Part of Verder Scientific
About this presentation
Shelf life is an essential parameter to guarantee product performance, quality, and safety over its lifetime. Predicting shelf-life based on early data acquisition or by accelerating the destabilization process is one of the main challenges of new product development.
Turbiscan technology, based on Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS) is the leading technology for direct dispersion stability testing from opaque to transparent samples (up to 90% v/v of particle concentration).
SMLS meets ISO/TR13097 recommendations by using optical scanning that quantifies and studies dispersions in the native state.
Any changes in physical stability (coalescence, creaming, sedimentation, phase separation…) are monitored up to 1000x faster than the naked eye and without dilution.
With the TSI (Turbiscan Stability Index), an automatic calculation directly implemented in the software, all destabilizations are summed into a single number for a fast and reliable sample ranking.
On top of that, the Turbiscan provides the ability to study dispersibility which formulation scientists use to adjust the formulation parameters (raw material choice, ideal solvent selection, viscosity…) and the dispersing process (mixing time, applied energy…) by an online measurement.
Would you like to investigate, particle causing stability issues?
Particle Size distribution (PSD) using the Turbiscan is done without dilution and on the original sample allowing for the computation of : migration velocity distribution and particle size distribution in intensity, in number, or in volume.
PSD with Turbriscan works in unconventional conditions: high concentration, solvent-based, pressurized vials, pre-filled syringes…