IChemE mini conference “Scale-Up’ challenges, towards ‘sustainable production“ Hosted by IChemE: Institution of Chemical Engineers

Time & Location

Wednesday: 10.30 to 12.00, Stage 4


Nigel HirstPresident - Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)

About this Session

Hosted by IChemE, this Mini-Confernce programme will set out to provide perpectives around the questions of:

– Defining how ‘scaling-up’ relates to you and your organisation.
– What are the challenges faced by your sector when considering how best to scale up your operations or processes?
– Highlight how recent successes have helped to shape company / sector learning and knowledge transfer in this area.


• What are the emerging common themes that organisations should consider when committing to scaling up in a sustainable way?
• How do you know if sustainable production has been achieved? How is it measured?
• What are the common implications of scaling up and how can the Chemical and Process Engineering community use their expertise to manage resources appropriately?

Featured session speakers – to be announced soon

Speaker Bio:

Nigel has been involved in process design and project management for many years, including  responsibility for plant operations in the UK and Asia. His background in speciality chemicals, activated carbon and ion exchange resin manufacture equipped him well for his role in running a diverse group of companies. He has been an employee of large public companies, private companies and has led a successful management buyout. As CEO of Haden Freeman Group he was responsible for companies operating in consultancy, design and build, risk management, lean process improvement, facilities management, and manufacture of fired heaters and flare tips.

Manufacturing sectors served include chemical, environmental management, nuclear, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical. Projects have been carried out in many parts of the world, with a long and successful track record. He maintains a keen interest in the higher education sector and was a member of the Industrial Advisory Board of a large UK university’s chemical engineering department, performing a small role as facilitator during a major reorganisation. He has also been a trustee/chair of trustees of several charities over several decades, in the fields of music, education and social mobility. He is a passionate believer that opportunities in education and entry to professions should be open to all, not the preserve of the privileged few. He also brings experience of the financial services sector, having had the role of Local Chairman at Yorkshire Bank for ten years.