‘Chemical Supply Chain in Action’ Interactive Feature Zone

Meet your industry stakeholders - Dft and Police (CDGFP)

Time & Location

13.00 to 15.00,

Philip LapczukEnforcement Policy Manager, Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)

Speaker Bio

Prior to joining the Vehicle Inspectorate now DVSA in 1998 I worked as a Transport Manager/CPC holder for a large quarrying company and later also held an operator’s licence for a small coach business.

I joined the Vehicle Inspectorate as an examiner carrying out roadside enforcement checks and operator compliance visits, I had a particular interest in the enforcement of dangerous goods vehicles and in 2006 became a Dangerous Goods Security Inspector when the agency carried out inspections on behalf of DfT Transec.

During my time at DVSA I have been involved with several projects including mobile compliance, which was used by examiners on roadside checks as well as being involved with the early concept of the DVSA Earned Recognition Scheme, where I was tasked to assess what ‘good’ looked like.

After Earned Recognition I returned to my policy role, where the tasks included leading on enforcement policy work for dangerous goods, the remote enforcement office (REO) and Earned Recognition alongside many other areas of work.

In my current role as enforcement policy manager for roadworthiness, alongside my many other duties I still lead the enforcement policy work for dangerous goods and have responsibility for the Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness and the Categorisation of Defects.

Another important part of my role is to look at new innovations and equipment to help DVSA enforcement colleagues be more effective by introducing new equipment to help detect the use of non-compliant vehicles. Working alongside my team we are assessing the usefulness of on-board diagnostic (OBD) reading equipment and particulate number meters, we are also looking at the challenges autonomous vehicles may present in the future.